~366 dresses in 2012~



Dress 112

More in the pattern/texture/image transfer series


Dress 111

Here a bunch of mini's I made for gift cards at the Phoenix Art Gallery! look for them on the check-out counter.


Dress One Hundred Four

Since her daughter (me) is so terrificaly stupendous, tonight's dress was made by a guest artist (me again). My art class is currently working on "Doodling and Noodling" which is basically doodling and then adding patterns. I've gotten into a real creative streak with this art form, making bookmarks and elaborate larger pieces. So, even though I had the blueprints for another dress in my mind when I began, I ended up with a doodled and noodled dress. Hope you enjoy all the tiny lines!


Dress One Hundred & One

Dress "One Hundred"... I can not believe it! - are you in for the next 100? leave me a comment below...


Dress Ninety Two

And a theme emerges...
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