~366 dresses in 2012~


Dress Thirty One

Sketching in my car before work - unseasonably warm and moist... smelled like a Seattle Spring morning... even the streets were damp.

Ball point pen, markers, coloured pencil


Dress Thirty

colored pencil, pen


Dress Twenty Nine

Today is the last day of the Laughing Lizard Cafe
Even though it is really great news for my Mama since it means she can actually finally retire, it is a sad day too.  The Laughing Lizard in Jemez Springs has been a creative and amazing endeavor that she has nurtured and cared for since 1994.  Here is a silly homage dress to the Lizard.

Complete with a sleeping lizard hat, boxers in costumes, cutlery, berry pie and ivy leaf and lizard motifs from the restaurant.


Dress Twenty Eight

Did you know that Kansas' state insect is the Honey Bee?
I learned that from "Miss Linda's" Kansas Day story time at the Lawrence Public Library on Friday!


Dress Twenty Seven

I made this dress out of music paper as the demonstrating artist at the Phoenix Gallery for Final Fridays tonight.  I'll post better pics tomorrow...


Dress Twenty Six

Ugly Eighties Dress!

cut paper and pencil


Dress Twenty Five

Fresh from print class... a monotype with texture provided by printing through mesh, lace and netting.

Akua Kolor water based inks


Dress Twenty Four

Fabric, felt, lace, netting, beads, invisible thread, embroidery thread


Dress Twenty Three

Happy Chinese New Year!

colored pencil


Dress Twenty Two

And more Downton Abbey inspired... sometimes you only see a dress once for a brief moment in an evening and sometimes it reappears in a subsequent episode.  I hope we see the netted vision Elizabeth McGovern was wearing tonight many more times~

My apologies to the costume designers for my interpretations!

pencil, colored pencil and sharpie


Dress Twenty One

Monotype from first night of print class at the Lawrence Arts Center

and modified ghost image

Monotype with Akua Waterbased inks


Dress Twenty

Colored pencil, art marker on chipboard


Dress Nineteen

Strawberries and Sugar

actually, paper, magazine image and kosher salt....


Dress Eighteen

First night of ntroduction to Printmaking at the Lawrence Arts Center! I will finally have some dresses made in a new medium.. soon!
Here is tonight's submission... an architectural sun dress...

pencil on paper


Dress Seventeen

Crayola markers on copy paper

Day Sixteen

Day Fifteen

Day Fourteen

Day Thirteen

Day Twelve

Day Eleven

Day Ten

Day Nine

Downton Abbey inspired...

Day Eight

Sketches while watching two hour Premier of Season Two of Downton Abbey on Masterpiece Theatre....with Katie (the intrepid wonder-dog) and her human: Karen

Day Seven

Day Six

I've been procrastinating on some very left-brain tasks that are pretty much due RIGHT NOW so naturally, I spent an extra special amount of time on this dress

Day Five

I've been browsing through this great compilation book called "Fashion Designers" By Pamela Golbin who summarizes the last 100 years of couture by highlighting around 20 specific designers.

Here is the cover of the book... it does not even begin to reveal the riches it holds.

I am woefully poor at drawing folds, drapes, anything flowing... so I'm practicing from the incredible photographs inside.

I hope that after a year of this... I can then be proud of my illustration of draped fabrics.  Here are a few beginning attempts:

Day Four

Inspiration and dress....

Day Three

and playing around with color in photoshop

Dress Two

Paint brush markers on copy paper

Dress One

In line with my plans for the New Year, I am going to embark on a 365 piece project called "Dress-a-Day". I have been so impressed by my Niece's Dictionary Word Per Day in 2011, love the inkdrop, you should click over and see what a great job she did! She, and other year -long projects like skull a day have inspired me to embark on a similar endeavor. This project will be broadly scoped in the sense that I would rather complete it than have it be stupendous but unfinished.... Therefore, I plan to keep the theme to fashion, but let the parameters be otherwise wide open. That means that I might work ahead of myself and then post one per day, I might work on full sized garments, or post prints, illustrations, paintings, collages, etc. I will add a picture a day to this "page" on my blog with the most recent being at the top. The link to the page will always be the same, as in a single post, with the only difference being that it will expand with time. I would love to work in tandem with people too, so if you have a project you would like to work on this year, a little at a time, just send me a message! There's nothing like having the accountability of a daily deadline to keep one on task, in the moment, and mindful of the present. Happy New Year! Check back often, I'm looking forward to creating with you.

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